My Testimony: How I Freed Myself from Demons and Became a Disciple of Christ
Ever since I was a young child, I have experienced many encounters with spiritual beings, especially from the dark side. These encounters usually happened at night when I was about to fall asleep. During my childhood, I did not know what these spiritual beings were, but as I got older, I eventually came to the…
2025 and the Great Awakening
This year (2024), many people are awaking up spiritually and sensing that there is something wrong with the world. They are starting to see that they have been living in a false reality. This reality was fabricated by the Globalist and their satanic master Satan to enslave mankind. For millennia, Satan and his minions have…
Why Does God Allow Evil To Exist?
Many people like to blame God for all the evil that is happening all over the world. This act of blaming God is growing rapidly because of the increase in news about wars, human trafficking, natural disasters, etc. By blaming God, it prevents people from seeing the truth about how evil came into the world.…
The Fulfillment of a Trump Prophecy and the Revival of America
Donald Trump’s presidency and the revival of America were prophesied decades ago. One of the prophets who prophesied Donald Trump’s presidency was Kim Clement. In 2007, Kim prophesied that Donald Trump would become president for two terms. Kim’s prophecies about Donald Trump and the revival of America are not 100 percent fulfilled yet but some…
Why Being Rich Is Not Evil
Many people believe rich people are greedy. Some of them even believe the reason they are poor is because rich people are hoarding all the wealth. Because of their beliefs, they believe that being rich is evil. Let us explore some important facts about rich people and poor people and wealth so we can understand…
Woke Culture and the Spirit of Confusion
This year, 2024, has been a roller coaster ride for many people. The level of confusion is at an all-time high, inflation is out of control, the rumor of another world war is getting louder, and the shake-up in the political system is escalating. To make life even crazier, idol worship and woke culture are…
A Shout-Out to All My Supporters
Today I would like to give a shout-out to everyone who bought my books and supported my work. Also, a big shout-out to everyone who wrote reviews about my books. One of my books now has over 1,000 ratings, so thank you for your support.
Spiritual Warfare and Politics
Today, many people are waking up to the fact that there is a war for their minds. This war does not involve guns and bullets but media outlets and social media programming our minds with lies and propaganda. On a deeper level, this war is a spiritual war for our souls and a spiritual battle…
The Mystery of the Alpha and the Omega
There are many mysteries of the Alpha and the Omega. In this video, I will reveal how the Alpha and the Omega is related to the letters of the alphabet and how these letters are used by God to manifest the universe. “By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the…
God’s Greatest Gift: The Power Over Death
God’s Greatest Gift: The Power Over Death is a free ebook by Pao Chang, the creator of Revelation Knowledge. It takes you back in time to the beginning of creation to visit the event that caused man to lose his most precious gift. Explore how man fell from grace and became a prisoner of the…
The Law and Why Legalism Is the Language for the Dead – Part Two
To understand why legalism is the language for the dead, we need to go back to before the Fall of Man and study the two trees in the midst of the Garden of Eden and their connection with the law that condemns man to eternal death. One tree represents the kingdom of life and the…
The Law and Why Legalism Is the Language for the Dead – Part One
To understand why legalism is the language for the dead, we need to go back to the beginning by delving into the Bible and studying the two trees in the midst of the Garden of Eden. One tree represents the kingdom of life and the other represents the kingdom of death. Man is currently imprisoned…