• God’s Greatest Gift: The Power Over Death

    God’s Greatest Gift: The Power Over Death

    God’s Greatest Gift: The Power Over Death is a free ebook by Pao Chang, the creator of Revelation Knowledge. It takes you back in time to the beginning of creation to visit the event that caused man to lose his most precious gift. Explore how man fell from grace and became a prisoner of the…

  • The Law and Why Legalism Is the Language for the Dead – Part Two

    The Law and Why Legalism Is the Language for the Dead – Part Two

    To understand why legalism is the language for the dead, we need to go back to before the Fall of Man and study the two trees in the midst of the Garden of Eden and their connection with the law that condemns man to eternal death. One tree represents the kingdom of life and the…

  • The Law and Why Legalism Is the Language for the Dead – Part One

    The Law and Why Legalism Is the Language for the Dead – Part One

    To understand why legalism is the language for the dead, we need to go back to the beginning by delving into the Bible and studying the two trees in the midst of the Garden of Eden. One tree represents the kingdom of life and the other represents the kingdom of death. Man is currently imprisoned…

  • Three Important Keys to Success: Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom

    Three Important Keys to Success: Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom

    To become successful in anything you do, you need knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Without them, your mind becomes like a computer without any program to tell it how to perform and complete a task. Knowledge is a prerequisite for understanding and understanding is a prerequisite for wisdom. Out of these three, wisdom is the hardest…

  • The LOVE of Money is EVOL

    The LOVE of Money is EVOL

    Dive into the captivating realm of money—a profound invention that has shaped civilizations and ignited revolutions across time. From its enigmatic origins to its pervasive influence on religion, economics, politics, science, and technology, money stands as man’s ultimate conduit to progress and prosperity. Take away money and the very fabric of society unravels, reducing man’s…

  • The Confusion of Money

    The Confusion of Money

    Money is something that people use almost everyday, yet many of them are still confused about what money is. This confusion has caused some people to believe that money is bad and evil. Is it true that money is bad and evil? This video will clear up the confusion about money and reveal some important…

  • The Great Mystery of Jesus Christ

    The Great Mystery of Jesus Christ

    “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” (1 John 5:7, KJV). One of the greatest mysteries of God is the mystery that God and Jesus are one. Let us go on a journey to explore this great mystery, so we…

  • The Power of the Cross

    The Power of the Cross

    Since the fall of man, man has been cursed with a deadly spell, causing man to experience sickness and death, which are some of the evidence of the curse of sin. Death is not something that is inherent in man; it is a curse. The cross represents the godly power that conquered sin and death.…

  • The Revealing of the Nightmare and the Great Awakening

    The Revealing of the Nightmare and the Great Awakening

    The nightmare is the false reality used by Satan and his demonic spirits to imprison mankind. Some of the causes of this false reality are mind viruses, which are artificial programs that infect the mind with malicious programs. When the mind is infected with these programs, they cause the mind to project a reality filled…

  • Public Law 97-280: The Bible Is the Word of God

    Public Law 97-280: The Bible Is the Word of God

    Public Law 97-280 is one of the most important laws ever passed by Congress. This law acknowledges that the Bible is the Word of God. On a deeper level, Congress acknowledges that the laws of the Bible supersede the laws of the government. Learn why Public Law 97-280 is so powerful and how it can…

  • The War Between Good and Evil

    The War Between Good and Evil

    The war between good and evil has been going on for millennia. This war has manifested many painful and heinous experiences into the world. The good news is that evil has already lost the war but there are still small battles that we need to overcome. God is allowing these small battles to continue to…

  • Fulfilled Prophecy: The Name of the Messiah Is Hidden in Isaiah 53

    Fulfilled Prophecy: The Name of the Messiah Is Hidden in Isaiah 53

    According to many biblical scholars, the Book of Isaiah was written around 700 BC. Hidden in this sacred book is a prophecy that predicts the name of the Messiah. To access the prophecy, you need to use an ancient decoding method to decipher the codes hidden in the Book of Isaiah. This video will show…